DREAMING SKILLS There was an elderly woman. 🌳She had few children who all stay far. These children provide little care to the elderly woman.💰 She had pressing needs and needed a little more help. She prayed to God for help🌳. Day and night - she prayed. God decided to help her because of her persistent prayers.💰 The government released funds that would help elderly people like her.🌳 Her neighbor quickly tried to register her as those who need government help.💰 She succeed and there, help was given to her.🌳 She was given live cash of $ 805 (about 370,558 Naira or shs3,000,000 or 14,788ZAR. Etc...)💰 On having the money into her hands, she was excited. 🌳The neighbor who had helped her access the money gave her some advice that this money should be kept safely and that she could use it little by little to meet her itching daily needs and medical care.💰 He also told her that part could be used to help her get good at gardening so that she could...