

GERMINATION TO GROWTH .        When a farmer desires a crop, they don't wish and there it is.🌳 There is a process through which the farmer undertakes to have the crops that they desire.🍑 First the farmer will sow the seeds that will yield the crops desired.🌳 The farmer will water the seeds so that they are given the right conditions to germinate.🍑 When the seeds germinate, the farmer will start to weed the seedlings till they become mature.🌳 When they are mature, the farmer will start to prune the mature plants till they produce the crops🍑. After sometime....the plants will have the crops desired. 🌳 The future you desire is likened to the crops the farmer desired. There are seeds..🍑..I mean rightful seeds that you need to sow to germinate the plants you desire which will grow into the future you look up to.🌳 🍑 There are things you need to do every day that will water your dream. Your dream, if care is not taken, will die out.🌳 There is somethin...


PRACTICING PATIENCE. When it was formed, it never had anything much.🍂...just form. It build slowly and birthed as a new baby. 🍂Growing up and adopting given characters was an effort of practice.🍂 Practicing how to run . Practicing how to talk. Practicing how to walk.🍂 Many of the characters that we poses are the product of practice.🍂 Many of the things we encounter as realities in our lives is a product of the characters that we have developed over time.🍂 People who you think have made the achievement that you desire is all the characters that were built through practice. 🍂 Patience is one character that enables one to fully allow all the necessary factors that lead to excellence to be in proper play. 🍂Things that help in building something take time to do so and there needs patience.🍂 Even God in His working in your line of life needs time to put all the necessary factors in place for you to get what you need. 🍂Everything has time it needs to meet a certain end.🍂 The proble...


LIVING IN THE FUTURE.        The future is one thing that many people have in their mind.🔥 We ponder what kind of future will be ours. What kind of experience will we have in the future.🔥 The great men and great women all had such thoughts.🔥 But to encounter the future that you desire, you have to live in the future that you desire.🔥 Brian Tracy in his book change your thinking..., says that whatever world that someone desires to have must first have that in their minds before the. World comes to pass.🔥 You know, when God was creating the world, He first thought of the things He wanted🔥. In John the Bible says that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God.. continues and says that the word become flesh.🔥 The word was with God is something that means God had something intangible before He made it tangible. 🔥Before He spoke His word and before everything was formed, He had it as intangible. He had once lived in the future He desired.🔥 You m...


EVER GREEN.    The world has its own troubles. 🌳Your organization has its own troubles. Your family has challenges that may seem to you an unending loop. 🍇Yourself will have challenges that seem like an ending tunnel. 🥬Because of all such challenges, the eye that you use to see the world and to see yourself is an insufficient eye in different color. 🍇You see yourself as failure and misfit. You see the world all troublesome and having no leaning point.🥬  There is somebody God looks at When He is up there. 🍇There is an eye with different color that God uses to look at your world and to look at you.  As you are seeing yourself as failure, God is seeing a great successful person.🥬 As you see yourself as a misfit, God is seeing a mighty leader rooted in all His promises.🍇 God is seeing in green. For God He doesn't focus on the trouble and persecution that you go through, 🥬He sees a Victor. He is not focusing His energy on the trouble that is before ...


THE SIGNATURE YOU WROTE.       There is but one powerful thing you did.🌾 It is so powerful that it influences your whole earthly life and your whole eternal life.🌾 It is something you made at once. 🌾 The covenant you made with Christ is something that will rule your life. It rules over the evil...over the negatives.🌾 When you confessed Christ as your personal Lord and savior, the spirit of God was signatured in your heart. 🌾It is to guide you into the ends God desires🌾. The signature you wrote is for the good of you.🌾 It is not for the good of the devil , it is not for the devil to take advantage. It is not for the devil to toss you round with all sorts of challenges🌾. It is not a signature of failure. 🌾 What you took is for the good of those who believe... like you.🌾 It is for the fulfillment of God's good plan in you.🌾 God's good plan may have not found path in your life if you didn't write the signature on your heart. 🌾God's plan... like it is written; is...


YOU ARE IN CHARGE.      Life can toss one to one end and back to the other end🪶. It can seem difficult to go on. 🧶And 🌳because of such unease, you never think you will make it tomorrow with happiness.🪶 You never think you will make it next year with the success you desire.🧶 And because of the seemingly unending trials of life, you bend to rules of failure that say, " you will never see success after the first lot of failure".🌳 That you never see goodness cross your way. Anyway, those are rules of failure and work for those who believe.🪶    Whatever is into your life, be it success or be it failure, know for sure that you are in charge.  You are the one to wake up after the first failure.🧶 You are the one to draw the best strategy to see success. You are the one to wake up every morning and go to work. You are the one in charge.🌳 You are the one to dream. You are the one to put the dream into a reality.  No one will do that for's all fo...


MADE WHOLE.      🤷Because of recurring failures you are inclined to believe that you are nothing but a perpetual failure.🤷 Because of recurring misery you start to think you are nothing but a wasting junk. 🤏 These thoughts are dangerous. They , at some times make some people start to curse their own lives an whatever they do. 🤦They start to talk negative words against their own. And because of such thoughts, you start to feel you are nothing in this world. 🙈You start to feel inferior. You start to feel empty.🙇 You start to feel that others are better than you. When God made everything,🤏 He spoke word and everything was made. But when He came to make human like you, He stepped down and designed you with care and greater concern.🙋 God doesn't take you lightly. He doesn't take you for granted. He takes you as special. He , because of His special concern for, has endowed you with all that you need to make your life beautiful. 🏃   HE HAS MADE YOU WHOLE.  You...