

One thought πŸ’¦talks about something different from what another thought says to you.πŸ’¦ You gain a perception of things that are different from what reality is.πŸ’¦ Your neighbor talks  strange things that are different from what you had earlier perceived in your thoughts. πŸ’¦ You are cut into two. And are undecided.πŸ’¦ Different minds are dragging you to different directions. One mind desires you to do one action; and yet another mind desires you to take on a different action.πŸ’¦ The battles we mostly encounter  are battles of the minds. πŸ’¦The mind is dragging you left and right to decide on what is reality and what you should believe in.πŸ’¦ Even just about your very self; the you are at times undecided what to think about who your real self is.πŸ’¦ And because of such battles, you have to choose to do what you thought is right from a spirit you thought is right.πŸ’¦ Doing that without looking at another. For example, if you thought the church you are into is right, and that...


Life 🀲is like an exam paper. It comes and it goes. Situations come and they go. πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‰Like an exam, you will have to be marked and given due results.πŸ’ After the marking, you will go and sit for another paper. When you fail this one paper, it does not mean you will not move on.🚢 You will have to move on to the next exam. The exam is meant for you to learn better.🧘  Such situations that come in our lives are meant for us to learn and become better. If you don't learn from the situation now, It does not mean you will not move to the next level. You will move on regardless of what you learn.🀹 However, the learning is what will determine what kind of level you will go to.πŸ‘Œ Your challenge Is not permanent. You will definitely move to another level. 🌝But which level are you going to , and what are you learning.? What kind of person are you becoming. ?❓❓ 😏You cannot find out what kind of emotional state you are into, unless you face a challenge that will dig out the emotion. 🀭You wi...


There is 🐸a frog that eats way too much. 🐸It eats the good things that are in it's way.🐸 It will eat to its fullest, but will not be satisfied. It will eat until it bursts and finally dies.🐸 You cannot satisfy such a frog.🐸 Many people in our lives are frogs. 🐸You cannot satisfy them with the good things that you do for them.🐸 🐸They will enjoy the good that you offer them now; but later, they will want more. 🐸And if in the later times you don't offer the good things that they want, they will call you bad. They will name you with all kinds of names.🐸 And spread conc rumors of how bad you are and how selfish you are. 🐸With their rumors, they will smear dug to your good name and make sure your reputation is ruined.🐸 Those humans are like frogs.🐸 They forget quickly and demand for more. 🐸Since you cannot satisfy such 'human frogs'; and you cannot do good enough for them,🐸 look straight to what you are to do in the eyes of God and in your very eyes. 🐸Do just ...


Did you know that life is a battlefield?⚔️ Every year, every month and every day that starts is a starting time for battles⚔️. It is time that needs you to pull out weopons and start battling.⚔️ You never know what year, what month, or what date your neighbor will rise up against you.⚔️ You never know the time your relatives will go against you. ⚔️ You never know what time the most hitting bullet will come towards you.⚔️ You never know from which direction the bullet will come. ⚔️ As life is a battle, you therefore need to prepare thoroughly for each time that is to come.⚔️ There are weopons that are sharper than a double edged sword.⚔️ The inner riches of the heart.⚔️ In this battle, you cannot use metal to fight metal. You cannot use anger to fight anger.⚔️ Here at the battlefield, you have to use weopons that rather suppress the other weopons⚔️. To fight anger, you have to use gentleness.⚔️ To fight hatred, you have to use love.⚔️  To fight the war, you have to use the inner ric...


Christ said that the road that leads to heaven is a narrow road and that the one that leads to hell is wide.πŸͺ¨ The one that leads to hell has all kinds of illuminated pleasures.πŸͺ¨ It has forged peace. πŸͺ¨That road seems good and as if leading to glorious ends. πŸͺ¨It is such illuminated that the victims are blinded to see it's ends.πŸͺ¨ πŸͺ¨On the contrary, the road that leads to heaven is narrow and seems unfriendly.πŸͺ¨ It is filled with thorns and creeps.πŸͺ¨ It seems to be tormenting.πŸͺ¨ It feels uneasy for some ,especially those that don't understand it.πŸͺ¨ However, it's ends are splendorous and full of abundance.πŸͺ¨ πŸͺ¨This view of heaven applies to all splendorous ends and successful destinies. πŸͺ¨ There is no destiny of excellence that is presented on silver plates.πŸͺ¨ No pain no gain.πŸͺ¨ The road to earthly heavens are filled with thorns.πŸͺ¨ πŸͺ¨You may be facing stumbling blocks on your way.πŸͺ¨ You may be facing undistinguished thorns as you drive for success. πŸͺ¨You are on the right tr...


To believe in God's abundance, believe in the bunch of hopes that surround you.πŸ„ Believe that your career can lead you to your final place.πŸ„ Believe that what your experiencing now , however much little it may seem, will lead you to great abundance in the coming future.πŸ„ Believe that your business is just right to lead you to seasons of plenty.πŸ„ πŸ„It is God that is driving your life ;if you have surrendered all to him.πŸ„ And Whatever you are doing and wherever you find yourself in, it is just the right position God is using to lead you to abundance.πŸ„ πŸ„The people God has surrounded you with are good enough for God to lead you to seasons of plentifulness.πŸ„ The little you have is enough to lead you to abundance. πŸ„ πŸ„The widow who Elijah helped get plentiful oil didn't have much.πŸ„ Rather, the little that she had is what God used to lead her to abundance.πŸ„ Whatever, you have, wherever you are God has abundance in store.πŸ„ πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„             ...


WhenπŸ•️ God made creation, He spoke by word and the creatures were formed. πŸ•️But when He came down to make make you and me. πŸ•️He thought diligently.πŸ•️ He picked up dust by his hand and molded you with care. πŸ•️ God holds you in preciousness. God knows your name. πŸ•️He knows your beginning and your ends. πŸ•️ He knew you even before you saw sunlight. πŸ•️ πŸ•️People may give you all kinds of weird names.πŸ•️ They may name you with whatever they like. You are a dog.πŸ•️ You are a puppet. You are a nut. πŸ•️Whatever name they may have will not change the precious name God has for you.πŸ•️ πŸ•️Don't think God doesn't know you. Don't think that because there are billions of people on the planet, God does not recognize youπŸ•️. πŸ•️Of all creation He made , He sent forth His word.πŸ•️ But with you, He came down to diligently to create. He can't create you with such preciousness and could not be knowing your name....or who you are and what purpose He made you for. πŸ•️ The n...