

JUST BELIEVE.      It has ,by several researches been proven to be true... 🌴By the several experiments, several experiences; been credited as a worthwhile effort to invest into that can change life. 🌴Even the Lord said it within scripture. BELIEF THAT THAT CAN BE ,MAKES ALL THE CHANGES. 🌴 By research, your mind is connected to the realities that cross your environment. What you think most of the times is what you become most of the time🌴. Believe comes from the way you think most of the time. 🌴Brain Tracy said that if you can change your thinking most of the time, you will change your world. 🌴 📌It's is belief that makes you get up every morning to go do what you think will make the changes.🌴 It is belief that makes you go out for service at your church...expecting change. 🌴It is belief that made you start the business that you started.🌴 I mean you believed that you can start and the reality took place. It also means that it is believe that will accelerate you from where


  SORROWS NEVER LAST.     The sun rises from the east , gets very hot at noon.🍁 It then sets to the west. It has been doing that for millions of years. 🌅You complain that it's hot, but it's not news. You complain that the season is hot, that the temperatures are so high, but it's not news .🍁 This has been there for millions of years. 🌅 🍁It comes and it goes.🍁 In as much as nature has its times of happening;🌅 times of hardship and times of calmness, every life duplicates the same art. 🍁There are ups and there are downs. Seasons come and seasons go.🌅 There is no permanent season.🍁 Your challenge is a "bi-normal"; it is a duplication of events of nature that come and go. It is not strange🌅. Even the Bible says it , that Christian challenges are not strange matter , they come to test us. 🍁They come to make us stronger. They come because we exist. 🌅If you didn't exist, that challenge may not exist. But because you exist 🍁, so does the challenge. It


  PREVAILING .     🤔There are always moments for any person on Earth that seem hard and hard to go through. There is no such thing as an eternal bed of roses. There is no such thing as plains of infinity. 🤕One moves and is confronted with hardship. I mean any one.  Good news..., 🙌🙌🙌 The Bible clearly says that we may be pressed but we cannot be crushed. 💪That clearly means that we may face all sorts of challenges but we will always prevail as the children of the most high🙌🏿. We will not go down the valleys of shadows and are forgotten. We will not go down the valleys of shadows and are over shadowed by the breeze of darkness🤏. We will prevail. Just today. Speak prevail, prevail, prevail.  It has started another day ,another ,month another year has all started again. 😖Whatever may come your way will not overshadow you. It may seem massive and all-destructive...but God on high knows it is just a moment for you🤷....a moment to make you stronger....a moment to claim what your s


  NEW TIMES.   There has never been a time that is the same as the  past🦠. There has never been a day that is the same as the previous day. 🍑There has never been a year that is the same as the previous. 🦠Every time is new.🦠 Your time now is new .🍑 🦠The previous may have had all sorts of challenges🦠. It may have been the worst so far.🍑 But it  wasn't the end. At least you are into a new year. 🦠The mere change of time does mean change of situation🍑. The situation of the past is not permanent.🦠 God is making a new thing this year. 🦠 The time has changed now.🍑 It isn't yesterday any more. Its nolonger last year.🦠 No longer that burdensome challenge. It's New times.🍑 🦠Change your mind🦠. God has upgraded His thoughts about you.🍑 He has an upgraded plan for you. 🦠He no longer sees you like you were yesterday. 🦠He no longer sees as the failure you were last time.🍑 He no longer sees as the sinner, the poor man, 🦠NO....He has a new set of mind and thoughts about


STRENGTHENED BY HOPE .                                        Hope are feelings of betterment of tommorow considering the situation now. ⚜️There is a Lee Ward side now, but you see the wind Ward side tomorrow. There is a mountain now, but you see the plains tomorrow. .....that is hope.⚜️ You cannot see tomorrow without having clear visions of tomorrow. ⚜️To see the plains of tomorrow after the mountains of today, there should be a vision of tomorrow⚜️. Envisioning how the mountains will come down to nothing but the plains you desire.⚜️ Many times we feel hopeless because we lack the visions of what tomorrow could look like.⚜️ You simply can't tell where you could be in the near future. ⚜️You simply cannot tell which kind of person you could turn into in the near future. ⚜️You cannot tell. You can't imagine any single point about the future.⚜️ Such positions are a bit threatening. At the end of it all, since you can't figure out and tell your position tomorrow, the mind is a


DEALING WITH INNER SELF. Because of failures and unending challenges, 🍣many times , we may incline to thoughts that someone else is behind your failure. That someone else's actions have affected your progress.🍣 🍣Never at any time does God create humans and subject 100% of their failures and  success to someone else's paths. God gives much of the percentage of success or failure to you. 🍣Even Him Himself is not 100% accountable for your failures or for your success.🍣 Much of the accountability is upon you.🍣 🍣Just because of that, you need to deal with yourself, other than heaping blames upon others for your failures or success. You should draw the right map you yourself. 🍣No body will draw it for you. You need to choose to move the right journey and follow the right paths because nobody else will do it for you. Your life is upon you,🍣 to move or to run it; to run it or to ruin it . 🍣 It's within you that success lies . 🍣It is within you that failures i


CHOOSE YOUR MENTALITY. The lion in it's nature is the king of the jungle. 🥀🌷It hunts down that that it desires in its life. It knows that that it desires to know.🥀🌷 It is not king because it is the biggest in the jungle, if it was so, then the elephant should have been. It is not king because it is the wisest, if so, then one like a monkey would have been.🥀🌷 Not because it is the fastest, the shrewdest; but because of its mentality. It has a strong mind that strengthens the body.🥀🌷 Your challenge doesn't need you to be the strongest to fight; the tallest or the best in whatever grade of life🥀🌷. You need to have the right mentality to over ride the challenge. The challenges may not choose you but you choose to choose the mentality.🥀🌷 Your perceptions influence your output. You cannot get the right output if you don't have the right perception.🥀🌷 You should not expect the best results if your mentality is not the best. Change your mind .🥀🌷 The life you choose