

COURAGE TO SUCCEED . Because of the uncertainty that is beheld in the forthcoming future,🚴 fear is scribbled within many of our hearts.🍑 Fearing to take on the next step to the new realm.🚴 You only feel you should operate as usual without further progress.🍑 You started a business earlier on; and somehow, business booms and there is gap to expand. 🚴But because you are comfortable doing the usual with your small scale business, you hesitate to take on steps to higher horizons.🍑 You are used of small scale expenditure🚴. And as an opportunity comes for you to expand your incomes and your expenditures, you fear to take the step.🍑 There are norms some people have that the higher you go , the hotter and harder it becomes.🚴 That the rich have more trouble than the poor. And that the rich African man has his country on his shoulders... because many poor and needy people will run to him for help - the one and only rich man.🍑 Such norms are nothing but excuses for fear to succeed!🚴 You


A BETTER TOMORROW. You never at any one point wake up to feel the previous day in it entirety .🍏 Every morning you feel a new page has opened for you to navigate through.🍏 Even if yesterday was the most hurting day of all days, this morning was not like last morning and today is not as exact as yesterday. 🍏There is something good about today that yesterday didn't present. 🍏Yesterday's challenge was different and today's challenge is different. 🍏You never have the same days.🍏 In as much as your days a different, your years are different too.🍏 And for that case, your seasons are different. 🍏This season may seem lacking and full of need, but be sure that the same thing cannot happen in the next season.🍏 There is a better tomorrow. 🍏There is renewed mornings awaiting for you ahead.🍏 Today may seem tedious and wearying, tomorrow - there is a refreshment in your morning. 🍏Your next season is different from now.🍏 The challenges you face now will be no more in the comi


WITHIN THE RIGHT TIME. ⏱️Because of seemingly endless challenges, many times we sit back and ponder whether we are on the right truck.⌚ You just started a business rescently but seems not moving as projected before.⏱️ You got married before now but the relationship is a little lousy .⌚  Things seem not to be moving as you planned earlier on.⏱️ You seem to be moving slower than you thought you could. You made ambitious plans but all seem lousing in corners of hopelessness.⌚ You're destiny looks blurred and uncertain.⏱️ You are where God needs you to be my friend. Do you think If God wanted you to be at the next level it could give him hard time to do that?⌚ Do you think that if God wanted you to run faster than you are running, that He won't be able to stimulate your movements.?⏱️ If He does what He wishes to do, then be sure His wish of where He wants you to be Is in action. You are within the right time. ⌚ You are not slow nor are you on a hurry. You are moving ac


YOU ARE HIGHLY FAVOURED. The devil in his plans, ☔he discharges heavily equiped troops every day to run down all that God has prepared for you on that particular day.☔ He plans with serious efforts to let you down.., to let you run into disappoints all day,☔ to have your heart broken by people. ☔He plans to mobilize groups of people that will criticize what you do; in order to discourage your race.☔ Nevertheless, as he plans, God is also busy planning to go against the troops of darkness☔. God also discharges His best warrior angels to fight for you everyday.☔ They come not to go against what you plan for the day; but what the evil one plans for your day.☔ There is a mighty ministry God carries out everyday on your behalf☔. There is an unknown mission God is running in heavenly realms for the sake of your being.☔ God loves you dear. Whatever, you may face now cannot be compared to what God has in store for you. ☔ From the day that you were born till now, God is fighting for you☔. You m


SOMEONE IS PREPARING YOUR DESTINY. The bible rightly says that the wealth of the unrighteous is being stored up for the righteous.🌸 Ruth while working in the garden never thought that that garden would be hers one day.🌸 Maybe the manager of the garden could look down on her seeing her as unworthy and unfitting. 🌸Maybe her fellow gardeners didn't consider her upto date. They were working to prepare the garden.🌸 Little did everyone know.... including Ruth herself that she has become the wife to Boaz and now she owns the garden.🌸 Someone may underestimate you. Someone may look down on you.🌸 There is somebody who disregards you now. They are busy working in fields; the fields you will own one day🌸. They may think you have nothing much left apart from your shirt, but they never know what God has in store.🌸 Joseph was disregarded among his family members. He was ridiculed among the officials of Egypt.🌸 The officials were busy building a country that Joseph could own one day. 🌸A


DIVINE ACTIVITIES. Scientists have it that we evolved from monkey-like creatures. 🧶They see creatures as mere products of evolution. 🐡Products that are, but lonely creatures - and whose destiny is dependent on them.🥗 They never imagine spiritual matter thriving within every living creature especially humans.🧶 Because of such minds, many people have it that what they see before them is all that their destiny comprises of. 🐡And that there is nothing much that is behind working for the realities of their destiny. The monkey norm is a myth. 🥗 There are divine activities behind the scenes. There is a strong spirituality thriving behind your realities. God is working in the supernatural. 🧶 He is making the full piece of the wide victory He has prepared for you. You may think what is before you is broken and cannot be anything anymore, but God is seeing the full pieces. 🐡You may think that what is before you is inactive, that your family is inactive, that your school is in


GETTING READY FOR THE NEXT STAGE. When it is time for splendor, many people think that that is where they need to be. ⛹️It is time to harvest crops and produces.... But because of plenty, we are inclined to think that this is the end we were looking for.⛹️ But no season is permanent. Even in antarctica the coldest desert, the temperatures increase to provide some warmth.⛹️ You may have enjoyed that season of plenty and providence, but now you seem lacking. Lacking the plentiful crops you had before, lacking the ultimate peace you had before.⛹️ It is not yet over. There is a next stage.⛹️ God didn't bring you from afar to only have a plentiful season where beans and maize are all around you.⛹️ He didn't bring you to face a seasonal moment and that is your end. No.⛹️ When plenty has ended and you are in need, you are being prepared for the next stage......the first one has ended.⛹️ Hold fast to your hopes and esteem. God is yet to take you somewhere else. He is about to catapult