

At times πŸ€”you realize that it is as if challenges are becoming greater as your progress goes further;⏩⏩ or you are putting in more efforts but the challenges are becoming tighter.πŸ§— For example you used to open up your shop at 9am and received 10 customers in a day. So you decide to start opening the shop at 7am hoping for more customers; but you start getting 5 customers a day. So you start praying and fasting hoping that that will change the situation,  only to realize the customers have become 2. Whenever we take a step 🚢to become better,πŸ‘ the devil takes a greater step to cause the worstπŸ”πŸ”. If you realize your challengesπŸ”️ are becoming greater as you progress,⬆️ know that your destiny is a precious one✨πŸ‘‘✨πŸ‘‘. The best fruitπŸŒ½πŸ‹ bearing tree🌳 receives more stone. Therefore know that you have more fruits to bear.  Push on patiently as you go further in your business, ministry, academics or in your career; because to receive the best, you need to have received the most trials.


In most cases, we embrace life with a lot of love, love with the people that surround us, love with our surrounding , and love for the future to come. This love has made us set dreams. Dreams of what we want to see around us and dreams of the people we love. They are endless dreams, they have made our budgets bulky, to some extent, these too many dreams have strained us and made us weary. But however, it is not these too many dreams that will make our life meaningful to our souls. It is just a spoonful of these dreams that will bring real value to your life. And some of these dreams are interconnected......yet there is just one, two or three of them that can bring a muscular weight of value to your life. They are the widely important goals. No matter how important other dreams and people are to your life, you have to trim and chisel these dreams to find the most important. The one that makes more weight of life in  your heart. We are running a life full of trash, a life that  is not ou


At times we are worn out by worries because we see others prospering quickly compared to us, they are succeeding quickly compared to us. And these at times are our age mates, they are our colleagues and are even our own neighbors......we have seen them grow and we have seen them succeed. This kind of view has frustrated our souls......and have asked God many questions. We have almost lost hope in what we do. And we think we have no good future. It is not the success or the failure of others that determines your destiny. What God has sowed in your heart will truly happen. Jesus spent 30 years before starting his ministry, he was not worried about his environment. My dear, imagine, he saw his age mates succeeding ahead of him, he was surrounded by sinners, invokers, bullers, slanderers and many sorts of wicked people; but in his humbleness, he was patient and was enduring.....he stayed with his family in peace. Believe me, he was also insulted. But he was not worried, he didn't Wonde


Because we see others successful, we draw plans; road maps and strategies so quickly, that we hope will make us excel with speed. But at the end, we loose. We achieve less with ambitious plans and strategies. And so, after periods of years,πŸ•‘ we still have got nothing. But however, it is not the speed that works. It is the effectiveness and efficiency of the few goals that works.......the few goals with a definite purpose that will add value to our lives when well accomplished. It does not matter how long it takes. There is a telescope called fast. It is the largest telescope in the world 🌍. It is in china.  Though china πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³is great, it took them 5 continuous years of hardwork to build the telescope that is a half a kilometer wide. They used efficiency and effectiveness not speed. At the end, it has  attracted a number of tourists and has enabled the country to jump into the next extraordinary level of astronomyπŸ“‘ and space⬛..... But leave alone china, look at the ancient pyramids⛰️


     Do not despise yourself especially when you still have the breath and ability; because No One is Better than You. If you think someone is better than you, look here; your figure has Never existed and will Never YOU ARE ALONE........ Your finger print is never found anywhere in history. If you compare yourself to someone else and you think they are better, .....YOU ARE LYING. ...... Look here, jiggers are not better than you and you are not better than them, they cannot compare themselves to you because they do what you cannot do and you do what they cannot do. If they are not in place, then your stuff will be your challenge. The Purpose and Destiny God has designed for You is special and incomparable. God will not say that," you know, I have created some people useless and others useful."......NO..........YOU ARE ALONE........ Whatever it is, His purpose in Your life will surely come to pass.                 _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k*


Like USA, a country called Babylonia in those days with it's might capital babylon was mighty in it's time. It was a world threat, a rod which could dictate on almost every country in those days. Time came and time passed, Babylonia is remembered no more but the world 🌍 still stands. World war came, to my knowledge some christians knew christ was coming at any moment then. Time came and time passed, 1st and 2nd world war is no more. It is obvious that time nulifies challenges. You only need to stand still like the world stood still in those days of agony. You need to tolerate your challenges and simply know that they will be no more with time but you will still live on. Therefore hold onto patience and tolerance in all circumstances,.  giving yourself fully to Christ;    blinding your eyes to the evil words of people. And surely God in His time will nulify them all yet will uphold you.                 _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k*


     If at one point you realize you are alone in this world 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 with no people πŸ‘­πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§❌πŸ‘­❌πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§ at all .....what will your challenges be like........... You would realize your challenges would be self made..... because no one would influence what is yours or  what happens to you.      But your heart πŸ’š would. You can be in such states if you protected your heart. Because if you cannot control people πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§, you can control your heart πŸ’š. Protect your heart from their words...... because whatever they say cannot dictate your destiny....and so their words should. not shake your dreams πŸŽ‘ If you cannot control the situation, the storm, 🌊 control your heart because the storm now is not the same tomorrow but the heart remains. Fully controlling your heart will make you imagine you are alone in this world 🌍 and so your life will be unshakable by anything.                  _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k*