

EMPOWERED       Many times, there are feelings that pop into our nerves just because of a one time setback .⚜️ Because we didn't make it at one point, we feel loose and nothingness.🌳 ⚜️Failure at one point of life never means nothingness to all of who God has made you to be.🌳 Someone calling us bad names at one point never means nothingness to who we are. ⚜️ You may have tried something, but may have failed at it 🌳. Trying and not getting to your ends never means there is nothing good left. ⚜️ What God has made into you is not merely gauged by failure or success.🌳 Success or failure is just a lesson and a result of something that is part of what our great person has done⚜️. We can not say that the best people in this world are the rich..who have the money. 🌳Or we cannot say that the most stupid people in this world are those who haven't made enough money.⚜️ We cannot use success or failure to gauge the whole person that is richly empowered.🌳 Success in physica


STRONG AGAIN        As life is filled with ups and downs - so does our strength.🌳 The strength has moments where it goes up and the moments where it goes down🚦. When the Bible says that He will renew their strength and they will become as strong as youths and will sour on wings like eagles; 🌳that means that their strengths could be down,🚦 but God is much able to renew it and bring it to its height. 🌳It means they can be strong again.🚦 There are times we wake up one morning and just have a disappointment just before we get up from the bed.🌳 I mean you pray , get your phone and have the first disappointment.🚦 The day goes round but it is all filled up with disappointments. It becomes a very bad day for you.🌳 Everyone you meet does not sound strong like they always do.🚦 Even when you find a stranger on the way and greet them, they sound low and not enthusiastic.🌳 Back home, you find the members have made a mess that you need to clear🚦. I mean the whole day stands a


SUPERHEROS      The Bible rightly says , are more than a conquerer in Christ Jesus.🦥 More than a conquerer in a simple phrase means that you have been a conquerer at once and that now you exceed the limit. 🦾 Exceeding the limit is being super.🦥 It means you have gone beyond the boundaries of a hero and that what you are called is superhero.🦾 It is not I who said it , it is the word of God that said it. 🦥The word of God paints a name "more than a conquerer" on you. 🦾You are a superhero. My dear, when God has said that you are a superhero.🦥 That means the limit that the world has for what it says are heroes, you are beyond that limit.🦾 That means the abilities that you possess are not all known by the World.🦥 One amazing thing I should tell you today is that , the super abilities that God has put in you are not all known by even you yourself.🦾 You don't know everything that God has set in you. You don't know all that you are able to do.🦥 You


REASON TO LIVE ON      🍃 Many times, because of the seemingly unending challenges, we feel life is not worth living.🍃 We feel it would be better to disappear and be no more than to live🍃. We feel those not with us in this world - who left sometimes ago ; are far much better than us.🍃 That is just a weird feeling of nothingness and emptiness🍃. It is just a way your mind tilts to find comfort when confronted by challenges🍃. In as much as God has not taken your life yet, there is a reason to live on. 🍃There is something that is still holding that you still need to accomplish.🍃 Now look here, it is not just accomplishing specific tasks in this world but also living to enjoy what God has blessed us with.🍃 Living on to have the blessings of the almighty and experience His real love in this earthly realm .🍃 Never think there is no reason to live on.🍃 There is something strange that the Lord has for you in this realm🍃. He is preparing you for the best in your next life.


STUCK IN MIRRORS      Long time ago, there was an old man🦩. This old man had a magic mirror. The mirror had his image🦩. The mirror being magical, the image in it had its own behaviors compared to those of the man.🦩 The image could talk in certain styles and move in certain patterns. The man imitated what the image did.🦩 Everyday, he looked into the mirror and did as the mirror did. He talk the same way the image talked.🦩 Whenever the image rises a figure, he could also rise a finger. 🦩Whenever the image looked left, he could also look left🦩. It was one day that the image started turning out into something else.🦩 He figured out what it was . As he was figuring out, it turned into a kite.🦩 He couldn't believe it. Since he copied whatever the image did.🦩 The magic worked on him . He turned into a kite too. Everything the image used to do was a spell.🦩 When we look at our lives. 🦩There are mirrors we have held in front of us. We copy whatever they do. 🦩There ar


BEAUTIFUL DAY.       The Lord has made it again. You have woken up again. 😃You have been given the breath of the day again. 🌳It is a miracle to wake up everyday and experience new joy of the Lord.😃 Every time, God your Lord plans for your betterment. 🌳Every evening, He draws ways in which you have to wake up the next morning😃. Every end of the year, He plans how you have to move on in the next year.🌳 It is so surprising how many times we feel worried of what we shall eat and how how the day will take us. 😃Many , because of anxiety; say - how will this "day" also take us.🌳 They use the word "day". It is like they think it is the day to take you. 😃They are giving power to day to rule and to determine their destiny.🌳 Dear child of God, it is not the days that rule us. It is you who rules the day😃. When they say that life is what you make it, it means what you do is what makes life to you. As a child of will obviously do good. 🌳 The po


MOVING AT THE SPEED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT     Many times, life seems to move at a pace we don't desire🦨. And because we see others moving at a greater rate compared to ours, we feel we are much slower than we should be.🦨 Today, I wanna tell you that the pace at which you move is as the SPIRIT wishes. It is God who fashioned it that way.🦨 Whenever we set dreams and ambitions, we feel alot of energy flowing.🦨 This kind of great energy in us makes us want to run rather than move. It motivates us to points of wanting to go faster through our ambitions.🦨 And at times , whenever we try running faster than our set pace, we injure ourselves. 🦨The injuries make us lose the pace and drag our motivation behind.🦨 Because others run fast, it doesn't mean you should run fast as they do. 🦨Whenever we copy the speeds of others to our own , we still injure ourselves. Our legs have been designed to run at a particular speed that is different from others.🦨 One thing I should tel