

 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.- prov 4:23    Your  heart 💚🌾💚🌾is the  rod that dictates the the happiness añd success of your life.  It is made up of nothing but character, dreams, plans, .... character like patience, persistence, tolerance,love..... Which all dictate happiness añd success. 🎋 And to be happy and successful you got to guard nothing but the characters of the got to guard your dreams🎑. When the storms arise, nothing is strongly shaken in your life like your dreams and character. In the storm🌊 you may loose patience or focus  to your may wonder whether your stand in character or your dreams are right. But then you are in the same track🚛. Your life will not become life if character and dreams are dead.  Even amidst the storm⛈️ guard your spirit of will help you jump to the other side where your destiny and happiness lies. Even when people are hard🧟 on you, protect your character. Even w


  A times, our moving forward or lagging backwards is due to our inner self motivation. No one will drag you forward unless your heart, which is the remote controller, is motivated to move. Therefore, you, by all means need to motivate her to stimulate your movements. Nothing can hinder a determined and motivated heart. No situation can discourage a motivated heart. No challenge will look bigger to a motivated heart. If you want to know that the heart can be motivated, look at this... Hope keeps us moving and doubt keeps us stranded. If you think you are hopeless, turn a little while to the bible... God's word..... This is the map.....and on it you will discover that where you are leads you to where you want to be. The situation you are in is just the right tool God is using to lead you to your destiny. Then remember this, where you are now is far better than where you were 5 years back in time. So no worries God is taking you further.                _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k*


  Heroes 🏋️are not known to be so by nothing..............but they come to be so after accomodating strong challenges and triumphing over them..................... They don't hide from storms,,,,,,,,,,🌫️...... but they present the disciplines necessary to go through them. Such disciplines as patience, persistence, tolerance, vision,,,, lead them to victory. You will not discover the strong heart✊ in you if you wish these challenges could not be yours to carry. Carry them with the disciplines and your time to be a heroic victor will surely come.                   _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k.*


             The bible rightly says; Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.-Proverbs:4.25 Before you are dreams and plans to accomplish, but if don't fix your eyes straight to them, I assure you that they will die. Regardless of whatever pool of challenges you find yourself in, you should fix your mind on your dreams if you have them. Challenges could swing you around like storms ulter the direction of a ship, which can only reach its destiny by fixing it's gaze directly before it.......and so you should define your campus and continue moving ahead. To keep your heart peaceful in this storm, fix your eyes ahead of you rather in the storm you are in.                _GOD BLESS YOU._   *#Simon k*


      If God wants to gain glory from you......He will take part in your situations . He will let challenges prevail and present solutions for you in His name. But the problem some of us have, is that we don't let God take part in the challenges we encounter. We think we can have everything done by our might. We think our faith is not good enough to stimulate His power in our life. But look here, if you only surrendered everything to God; which is the first act of faith, God will surely intervene in your situations with confidence. And your burdens made light.                 _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k*


     One thing we should bear in our minds is one ever has a period in their lives where they are challenge free. If you are running to become rich and hope there will be no challenges up there......... It is a day dream........... Challenges are at all levels........and different levels call for different degrees of challenge.   So therefore, you need to learn to fit in them at any level. Hope keeps us moving and fears keep us sorrowful.......hence cause hope at any point of life you find yourself in.  Take peace in all circumstances of your life giving God room to do whatever he needs to do.                _GOD BLESS YOU._  *#Simon k*


You know in this world we are enclosed in a test tube,🔋we are being tested by superior persons,; persons in spiritual worlds. We have become specimens; they are testing us in and out⚖️. Life itself is testing us. It is true that life itself is a lesson; and we are playing the is a GUMBLING GAME🏈 don't know what you will loose or win⏳ don't know what lessons are there the end of the day, everyone is GUMBLING. The richest person is crying why his mission to mars is taking long and whether he will succeed or not. The civilian is miserably looking for a job to help him survive; he as well wants to become rich too,. The poor man is desiring to become a civilian; to become educated to the highest caliber. Everyone is having challenges👩‍👩‍👧,they are struggling through the game. But one surprising thing is that no one shows thy degree of gumbling. You may look at people walking with smartness accompanied with bulky files; a