BABY STEPS Even the building of great mansions started as a little hole dug on the ground where the mansions would be built.👣 The building of our large cities here and else where in the world didn't start as complete made steels and blocks, but it also started with a simple pencil and idea.👣 The most posh car and ship all started with small steps.👣 Dreaming big is great, but dreaming small in inevitable. 👣You cannot go to the big without having started with the small. 👣 The big picture that you have in your mind has one thing needed to get get from ground. 👣We at times think there will be this miraculous day filled with dramatic opportunities that will suddenly push us to high heights. It is a lie....and one we can get past. 👣 All things start from a point. The big picture within you has a point of start.👣 However much similar the picture may be to that of a person you have learnt of , it possibly has a different step for your case.👣 When ...